About Us

We provide high performance, luxury, first of its kind JavaScript libraries, jQuery plugins, and Web Apps.

We are creative, we don't try to fit in. Our brand stands for luxury. Our mission is to make the web a better place. We shape the future.

Our Mission

Make the Web a better place
We are here to create value and make a difference
Fill gaps in the Web
We take a very good look at the web market, we do research, then we find ways to fill gaps in the web and compete.

Our Values

Jaguar Stands for Luxury
The Jaguar in JaguarScript stands for luxury. It's our name.
Quality not quantity
Our quality products are what make them unique.
Design to impress
“There are three responses to a piece of design: yes, no, and wow. Wow is the one to aim for.” - Milton Glaser

Our Products Features

All of our products are created with an obsessive attention to detail. They are inspired, and inspire. Unique and valuable.
High Performance
What good is a slow code? Our code is high performance, memory-efficient, under pressure tested and garbage-collector-friendly.
Modern Web Technologies
The past is dead. We use modern web technologies and build for the preasnt and the future.
Our products are pieces of art. We study and we think before we do. We always maximize the user experience.
We love colors and themes. We are giving our clients a chance to make our products their own.
Marvelous API
Powerful API to control the beasts.
All of our products works everywhere.
Mobiles Support
We care a lot about mobiles and tablets. We make sure our codes are compatible with slow mobiles and we do special tests to provide the best user experience.